If your credit card statement directed you to visit this web site, then your credit card was used to purchase a subscription to a membership based web site. The "descriptor" or "merchant name" on your credit card statement is not the same as the name of the web site that you joined. The best way to identify exactly what membership the charge on your statement was for is to use the automated "research a charge" tool below or to call us and speak with a representative.
Call us Toll FREE!
(888) 381-7694 or
Know before you call:
1. Credit Card Number
2. Name on Card
A high percentage of fraud claims are by customers who do make the purchase, only to deny it later. Please note that completing a legitimate purchase, then claiming fraud is a form of fraud and is an illegal practice punishable by law. After a Fraudulent transaction is claimed the Account will be blacklisted, making future online purchases difficult with us and other E-Businesses.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why was my Credit Card billed?
You purchased a membership, product or subscription from a website that was processed by FBBIZLISTS.COM. You should have received an email receipt at the time of your purchase. If you do not have your receipt, use the Account Information Retrieval Form on our home page to view your purchase details or simply call our 1-888 number at the top of this page.
Why is there multiple charges?
For your convenience, many subscription based sites renew your membership automatically until you cancel. If you have questions regarding the sites billing, please visit the website to which you subscribed. If you have subscribed to multiple websites, these charges will be listed separately.
What will show up on my Credit Card?
You will see on your credit card statement a purchase from: FBBIZLISTS.COM. If you do not see that on your statement, then it is more than likely you were not billed by us.
How do I stop the billing?
Fill out the Account Cancellation Form located on our home page. From there you can view all membership details of all your transactions processed through FBBIZLISTS.COM. Once you've cancelled, you will not be billed again after the date of your cancellation. Your access will remain active until the end of the billing cycle in which you are subscribed to.
What if my question is not answered?
Simply fill out our Contact Us form and somebody will get back to you ASAP.